The Heritage District Missions Secretary, Rev. Tuck Taylor, has asked the district missions teams to share their congregations’ work in their communities with the district. Our spotlight for this newsletter is Bunn UMC with Jean Haddock.
Here at Bunn UMC, we are a mission-focused congregation. I have listed and shared pictures of what we have been up to.

Food Security:
Garden at the church, including greenhouse
Weekly food pantry ✅ with no criteria for participation and self-selection
Thanksgiving boxes
BROAD (Bunn Regional soup kitchen partnership)
Gleaning with SOSA ✅
Teacher breakfast at one or two schools ✅
Back to school supplies ✅
Reading with elementary students
Teacher Appreciation Week at the daycare
Feeding the volunteer fire department
Feeding the high school football team
Gifts for families at Christmas
Continuous collection for the unhoused, particularly veterans
Hosting three AA meetings per week
Beyond the local community:
Working at MERCI ✅
Working with Project Agape in Armenia ✅
Disaster relief ✅
Liberia projects and mission team ✅
The check✅ is beside the activities we partner with others.