Romans 12:9-21
As I continue reflecting on what it means to be grounded in Scripture, it is about living a life that inspires others to be better Christians and humans, precisely the most significant dilemma we face as Christians and humans. How can I be a better Christian? How can I be a better disciple? How can I be a better Human?
In his letter to the Romans, Paul offers straightforward guidelines on being bolder in our attempt to be better Christians, disciples of Jesus Christ, and humans grounded in Scripture. Surprisingly, it is about something other than how much Scripture we know or have memorized. It is more than having a degree in theology or Bible. It is more than claiming that the Bible is God’s inspired Word or that the Bible is the ultimate authority in our lives.
A human grounded in the Scripture should reflect specific traits and fruits that will inspire others – loving God and all, hating evil, embracing what is good, being ardent in spirit, persevering in prayer, contributing to the needs of others, extending hospitality to strangers, blessing those who persecute you, rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who mourn, living in harmony with others, living in peace as much as possible, leaving vengeance to God, and never overcoming evil with evil but with good.
Notice that these guidelines only call us to exclude from our lives what is evil, what dehumanizes, and what does not honor God’s image in others. May the beginning of a new month be an opportunity for us to be Grounded in the Scripture kind of humans.
God Almighty and Creator of all things and creatures, help us be bold in our attempt to be better Christians, Jesus’ Disciples, and ultimately humans who glorify you. Amen.

Also, as we approach Labor Day Weekend, here are some resources to reflect on how we can model our groundedness in Scripture by advocating for better work environments for all.